New version available WinUrecon
I´ts available to download new version 3.12 WinURECon. I´ts important to download the new version because it fixes the problem with the exchange sent in EARTTY contest, SM The CW King and S. M. The SSB King. ...
EA RTTY 2014 Contest comming!
Hello all: Here is the next contest organized by URE the EA RTTY contest which will take place the first weekend of April 5th and 6th. You can see the rules here : We want to remind you that some changes was made for this year in the rules, please take a look into th ...
Certificates King of Spain
Is now available to download diplomas of His Majesty the King of Spain contest SSB and CW 2012 and 2013 year in pdf format. Our apologizes for the delay receiving the awards ...
EA Activity Announcer
Hello again, Now, you can announce your activity for an EA Contest form the menu located on the right of your screen, you can see as well how many and wich provinces are going to be active in your favorite EA contest. From here, we encourage you to post your participation in the contest, as well as the ...
Updated info for CNCW
Hello all: We have updated information about CNCW contest (National CW contest). Now it is available the contest results from 1993 until today. Soo we will have the contest results from 1971. Also, we are working on overall participation of each contester. Thank you so much. URE HF contest comitee. ...
EF4HQ 2014 ongoing.
The team EF4HQ that will represent URE in the next IARU 2014 is working on the organization of the new edition. If you want contact the team email them at You can find more information in IARU HF WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP URE HF Contest Commitee ...
Newsletter available
Now avalilable a new feature, newsletter. You could be updated of all news, articles and entries on our web, please enter your email and you will receive it!!! Thanks URE contest commitee ...
New contest web
Some of the new products we are working and are part of our schedule are: TOOLS: Update the contest list checker. Update the contest software WINURECON. Create some databases for different purposes. WEB PAGE: New HF contest web page in Spanish and English Contest rules in different langua ...
New HF Contest Commitee
To fill the chair left by the head of the HF contests, EA5KA, who publicly thank the excellent work and service to the URE, President of URE has decided to form a committee that will be responsible for matters relating to the HF contests, except for diplomas, who remains responsible EA3GHZ. Members appo ...
Sponsors 2014
In order to improve the trophies awarded in different competitions organized by the URE, now some of these trophies may be sponsored by commercial brands, shops, local or territorial sections, radio clubs, associations… If you are interested in sponsoring any of the trophies can send an e-mail to: hf@ur ...
Advisory group for contests
We have created a group of partners from all EA districts followers of HF competitions, called Advisory Group of the HF contest committee, in order to generate ideas, proposals, discuss possible changes in URE’s HF contests, sharing with us different opinions to make a good decision with possible change ...