Avda. Monte Igueldo nº 102 – 28053 (Madrid)
GPS Location: 40º 23.44N – 003º 40.26W
APRS Location: https://es.aprs.fi/EA4URE
Grid square: IN80DJ DME: 28079
The official station of the UNIÓN DE RADIOAFICIONADOS ESPAÑOLES, is located in the same building of all general services of URE.
Currently the radio shack of EA4URE include the following equipment: Yaesu FT-2000, Yaesu FT-1000, Yaesu FT-897, 2x Yaesu FT-790 and Kenwood TS-480 SAT, antenna 7 elements Mosley PRO-67 for HF and multiple antennas to VHF, UHF, SHF, 6 meters…
Interested in operating or visit the station please contact EA4TD ea4td@ure.es.