Some of the new products we are working and are part of our schedule are:
- Update the contest list checker.
- Update the contest software WINURECON.
- Create some databases for different purposes.
- New HF contest web page in Spanish and English
- Contest rules in different languajes
- Posibilidad de anunciar participación en cada concurso (estilo NG3K)
- Received contest files shown in real time mode
- Raw Scores at deadline
- Mailing UBN files to each contester
- Contest records
- EA’s stations participation Statistics by province in each competition
- URE’s Championship Ranking after each contest.
- URE’s Championship Participation of URE regional councils and URE local sections.
- Sponsors trophy detailed lists.
- URE contest HQ links for IARU (results and extra information)
- Mailing of information to contesters about web updates ( raw scores, detailed information…).
- Rating review of all URE contests.
- New entry Single operator all band low power.
- SOSB will make QSO’s in other bands.
- New Multipliers: EA4URE y EF0JC
- Forced breaks in National Competitions with lower activity.
- CEPT holders can take part in national contests from EA territory.
- Log deadline of 15 days.
- Trophies can be sponsorized to help URE.
- QRZ, total score, and position will be printed in throphies and diploma.
- Trophies will change its format in 2014.
- Medals will be changed for trophies.
- Diploma design updating.
- Diploma on demand through contest web page for winners.
- Printed diploma winners on every category entries according to the rules.
- PDF diploma for every contester matching the rules. Downloadable from the web.
- PDF diploma for every component of each MULTI-MULTI station matching the rules.
- Special diploma for those who activate a low or no activity spanish province in last edition, the low activity provinces will be posted each year.
- The result of each contest will be published in the magazine with some pictures and a detailed article.
- Contest banners on the web
- Contest promote on National and International mail reflectors.
- Contest rules information in DX magazines.
- Contest e- mail reminder.
HF contest committee