New contest web

Some of the new products we are working and are part of our schedule are:


  1. Update the contest list checker.
  2. Update the contest software WINURECON.
  3. Create some databases for different purposes.


  1. New HF contest web page in Spanish and English
  2. Contest rules in different languajes
  3. Posibilidad de anunciar participación en cada concurso (estilo NG3K)
  4. Received contest files shown in real time mode
  5. Raw Scores at deadline
  6. Mailing UBN files to each contester
  7. Contest records
  8. EA’s stations participation Statistics by province in each competition
  9. URE’s Championship Ranking after each contest.
  10. URE’s Championship Participation of URE regional councils and URE local sections.
  11. Sponsors trophy detailed lists.
  12. URE contest HQ links for IARU (results and extra information)


  1. Mailing of information to contesters about web updates ( raw scores, detailed information…).


  1. Rating review of all URE contests.
  2. New entry Single operator all band low power.
  3. SOSB will make QSO’s in other bands.
  4. New Multipliers: EA4URE y EF0JC
  5. Forced breaks in National Competitions with lower activity.
  6. CEPT holders can take part in national contests from EA territory.
  7. Log deadline of 15 days.


  1. Trophies can be sponsorized to help URE.
  2. QRZ, total score, and position will be printed in throphies and diploma.
  3. Trophies will change its format in 2014.
  4. Medals will be changed for trophies.
  5. Diploma design updating.
  6. Diploma on demand through contest web page for winners.
  7. Printed diploma winners on every category entries according to the rules.
  8. PDF diploma for every contester matching the rules. Downloadable from the web.
  9. PDF diploma for every component of each MULTI-MULTI station matching the rules.
  10. Special diploma for those who activate a low or no activity spanish province in last edition, the low activity provinces will be posted each year.


  1. The result of each contest will be published in the magazine with some pictures and a detailed article.


  1. Contest banners on the web
  2. Contest promote on National and International mail reflectors.
  3. Contest rules information in DX magazines.
  4. Contest e- mail reminder.


HF contest committee